Enlightenment IPC Commands Help

 Enlightenment IPC Commands Help

Commands currently available:

         <command>     : <description>


              help    ?: Gives you this help screen

Additional parameters will retrieve help on many topics - "help <command>".

use "help all" for a list of commands.


           version  ver: Displays the current version of Enlightenment running


               nop     : IPC No-operation - returns nop


             about     : Show E info


         configure  cfg: Configuration dialogs


              exec     : Execute program

  exec <command>       Execute command


           restart     : Restart Enlightenment


              exit    q: Exit Enlightenment

  exit                 Exit immediately

  exit logout          Show logout dialog

  exit restart         Restart

  exit theme <theme>   Restart with new theme

  exit exec <program>  Exit and start program


       save_config    s: Force Enlightenment to save settings now


            win_op  wop: Change a property of a specific window

Use "win_op <windowid> <property> <value>" to change the property of a window

You can use the "window_list" command to retrieve a list of available windows

You can use ? after most of these commands to receive the current

status of that flag

Available win_op commands are:

  win_op <windowid> border <BORDERNAME>

  win_op <windowid> title <title>

  win_op <windowid> <close/kill>

  win_op <windowid> <focus/iconify/alone/shade/stick>

  win_op <windowid> desk <desktochangeto/next/prev>

  win_op <windowid> area <x> <y>

  win_op <windowid> <move/size> <x> <y> or <kbd/ptr>

          (you can use ? and ?? to retreive client and frame locations)

  win_op <windowid> <mr/sr> <x> <y>   (incremental move/size)

  win_op <windowid> toggle_<width/height/size> <absolute/conservative/available/xinerama>

  win_op <windowid> toggle_size <half_[N|S|E|W]>

  win_op <windowid> <fullscreen/zoom>

  win_op <windowid> layer <0-100,4=normal>

  win_op <windowid> <raise/lower>

  win_op <windowid> opacity [+|-]<1-100(100=opaque)>   (+/-: incremental change)

  win_op <windowid> snap <what>

         <what>: all, none, auto, border, command, desktop, dialog, group, icon,

                 layer, location, opacity, shade, shadow, size, sticky

  win_op <windowid> <focusclick/never_use_area/no_button_grabs/skiplists>

  win_op <windowid> <no_app_focus/move/size>

  win_op <windowid> <no_user_close/move/size>

  win_op <windowid> <no_wm_focus>

<windowid> may be substituted with "current" to use the current window


       window_list   wl: Get a list of managed application windows

The window list can be shown in a number of different formats:

  window_list       "windowid : title"

  window_list all   "windowid : x y w x h :: desk : area_x area_y : title"

  window_list ext   "windowid : title :: desk : area_x area_y : x y wxh"

  window_list prop  "windowid : x y w x h :: desk : name class Title"


            movres   mr: Show/set Window move/resize/geometry info modes

  movres move   <?/opaque/lined/box/shaded/semi-solid/translucent>

  movres resize <?/opaque/lined/box/shaded/semi-solid>

  movres info   <?/never/center/corner>


         dialog_ok  dok: Pop up a dialog box with an OK button

Use "dialog_ok <message>" to pop up a dialog box


            border     : List available borders


            screen     : Return screen information

  screen list         List screens

  screen size         Show current screen size

  screen split nx ny  Simulate xinerama by subdividing screen


     list_remember   rl: Retrieve a list of remembered windows and their attributes


  list_remember [full]

  Retrieve a list of remembered windows.  with full, the list

  includes the window's remembered attributes


             debug     : Set debug options

  debug events <EvNo>:<EvNo>...


               set     : Set configuration parameter


              show   sh: Show configuration parameter(s)


          win_info   wi: Show client window info


          obj_info   oi: Show window object info


          reparent  rep: Reparent window

  reparent <windowid> <new parent>


          remember     : Remembers parameters for client windows (obsolete)

  remember <windowid> <parameter>...

For compatibility with epplets only. In stead use

  wop <windowid> snap <parameter>...


              warp     : Warp/query pointer

  warp ?               Get pointer position

  warp abs <x> <y>     Set pointer position

  warp rel <x> <y>     Move pointer relative to current position

  warp scr [<i>]       Move pointer to other screen (default next)

  warp <x> <y>         Same as "warp rel"


            aclass   ac: Action class functions

  aclass kb                 List key bindings

  aclass kb set ...         Set key bindings

  aclass list [name/all]    List action class[es]

  aclass load [name]        Reload action classes (default is bindings.cfg)


        background   bg: Background commands

  background                       Show current background

  background apply <name> <win>    Apply background to window

  background del <name>            Delete background

  background list                  Show all background

  background load <name> <file>    Load new wallpaper from file

  background set <name> ...        Set background parameters

  background show <name>           Show background info

  background use <name> <desks...> Switch to background <name>

  background xget <name>           Special show background parameters

  background xset <name> ...       Special set background parameters


            use_bg     : Deprecated - do not use


            button  btn: Button functions

  button list               List buttons


       button_show     : Show or Hide buttons on desktop

use "button_show <button/buttons/all_buttons_except/all> <BUTTON_STRING>"

examples: "button_show buttons all" (removes all buttons and the dragbar)

"button_show" (removes all buttons)

 "button_show buttons CONFIG*" (removes all buttons with CONFIG in the start)


            cursor  csr: Cursor functions

  cursor list                       Show all cursors


              desk     : Desktop functions

  desk ?               Desktop info

  desk drag            Start deskdrag

  desk set <nd>        Set number of desktops

  desk goto <d>        Goto specified desktop

  desk list            Show desk info

  desk next            Goto next desktop

  desk prev            Goto previous desktop

  desk back            Goto previous active desktop

  desk this            Goto this desktop

  desk lower <d>       Lower desktop

  desk raise <d>       Raise desktop

  desk arrange         Arrange windows on desktop"

  desk clear [on/off]  "Show Desktop"


              area     : Area functions

  area ?               Area info

  area set <nx> <ny>   Set area size

  area goto <ax> <ay>  Goto specified area

  area move <dx> <dy>  Move relative to current area

  area lgoto <al>      Goto specified linear area

  area lmove <dl>      Move relative to current linear area


             focus   sf: Focus functions

  focus ?                     Show focus info

  focus mode                  Set focus mode. Modes:

    click:       The traditional click-to-focus mode.

    clicknograb: A similar focus mode, but without the grabbing of the click

      (you cannot click anywhere in a window to focus it)

    pointer:     The focus will follow the mouse pointer

    sloppy:      The focus follows the mouse, but when over the desktop background

                 the last window does not lose the focus


          group_op  gop: Group operations

use "group_op <windowid> <property> [<value>]" to perform group operations on a window.

Available group_op commands are:

  group_op <windowid> cfg

  group_op <windowid> start

  group_op <windowid> add [<groupid>]

  group_op <windowid> del [<groupid>]

  group_op <windowid> break [<groupid>]

  group_op <windowid> showhide


             group  grp: Group commands

use "group <groupid> <property> <value>" to set group properties.

Available group commands are:

  group info

  group <groupid> info

  group <groupid> del

  group <groupid> iconify <on/off/?>

  group <groupid> kill <on/off/?>

  group <groupid> move <on/off/?>

  group <groupid> raise <on/off/?>

  group <groupid> set_border <on/off/?>

  group <groupid> stick <on/off/?>

  group <groupid> shade <on/off/?>


           iconbox ibox: Iconbox functions

  iconbox new <name>   Create new iconbox

  iconbox cfg          Configure iconboxes


        imageclass   ic: List imageclasses, apply an imageclass


             menus  mnu: Menu functions

  menus list               Show existing menus

  menus reload             Force menu refresh

  menus show <name>        Show named menu


             pager   pg: Toggle the status of the Pager and various pager settings

use "pager <on/off>" to set the current mode

use "pager ?" to get the current mode

  pager <#> <on/off/?>   Toggle or test any desktop's pager

  pager hiq <on/off>     Toggle high quality pager

  pager scanrate <#>     Toggle number of line updates per second

  pager mode <mode>      Set pager mode (simple/snapshot/live)

  pager title <on/off>   Toggle title display in the pager

  pager zoom <on/off>    Toggle zooming in the pager


          slideout     : Show slideout


         textclass   tc: List textclasses, apply a textclass


             theme   th: Theme commands

  theme             Show current theme

  theme list        Show all themes

  theme use <name>  Switch to theme <name>


            wmatch  wma: Window match functions

  wmatch list               List window matches


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